5 Ways to Practice Social Distancing in Your Westover Apartment!

Are you feeling bored or unproductive in your Westover home? Here are 5 things you can do to stay busy in your apartment!

Westover understands that this is a difficult situation for everyone including our Westover residents. We want you to know that you are in the front of our minds at all times! Our leasing team and maintenance crews are doing everything they can to respond to emergency work orders during this time. Please refer to our previous blog post regarding Covid- 19 or contact your leasing office by phone or email if you have any questions as they are here to help!

Here are a few ideas we have come up with to help you pass the time as you practice social distancing in your apartment home:

1.) Start Doing that Hobby You Always Wanted to Try!

Just because we are stuck at home, doesn’t mean we can’t do something fun! If you have internet access, you can do a lot of research about something that interests you. Check out some suggestions below!

  • When is the last time you cleaned out your closet? This may not sound like fun… but there is a great way to make money by doing so! Websites like Poshmark and Ebay, allow you to sell your items from home! Check out this link that can help you get started on Poshmark!
  • Take an online class and become an expertise! Whatever hobby that interests you, there may be a great class online that you can take to become the expert and help you get started! Here are some ideas!
    • Become a baking expert at home, and yes there are online courses for this!
    • Start your own blog! The great part about this option is that you can write about anything that interests you and share it with others! Many people use WordPress or Wix to get started!
    • Try a new craft! Order your supplies online and get creative!

2.) No Gym, No Problem!

If you enjoy working out, you may be bummed that you can not visit your Westover fitness center. However this doesn’t have to stop you from working out in your Westover home or around the neighborhood! Check out these blog posts that will show you what workouts you can do in your own home! Please consult your doctor before attempting the following exercises.

3.) Self Care Spa Day!

If you have any face masks at home, this is the time to use them! Have yourself a relaxing spa day in your own home! Find your favorite nail polish color and give yourself an at-home manicure and pedicure!

4.) Get Your To-Do’s Checked Off Your List!

Some of these tasks may not be too exciting but now is the time to get them done and out of the way! So go ahead and get that laundry in the washing machine and dishes clean because you will be happy to have it done! Stay motivated!

5.) Netflix (or Disney +) is Calling Your Name!

Relax and unwind before bed time! This is a great time to watch some uplifting and positive movies with everyone in your household or just yourself! Here are some movies on Netflix and Disney + that will bring your spirits up!

The amount of activities you can do at home are endless in order to practice social distancing! Try to think out of the box and you can certainly make the best of your time! As mentioned before, please do not hesitate to reach out to your leasing office via phone or email if you have any questions or concerns! Stay safe and healthy!

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